Sunday Blog

5 Gifts for those who love to Sleep

  • 12 May 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Lavender and chamomile mist to spray on pillow Aromatherapy at its best, the calming effect of the herbs helps ease nerves and puts one to sleep naturally . It is known to reduce stress and anxiety and what’s best it is 100 percent organic. Sleep mask A soft, comfortable sleep...

Earplugs for sleeping: Best earplugs for noise reduction

  • 17 October 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

With city living comes the problem of rising decibels, and most of us struggle to get an uninterrupted sleep sans any noise. But the problem can be solved by using earplugs. Here are some earplugs for noise reduction. Best earplugs for sleeping Foam Earplugs - Available under different brand names, disposable...

The Sunday ALL Purpose Bag!

  • 22 May 2016
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Upon ordering a Sunday mattress, be it the Ortho Memory Mattress, Ortho Latex Mattress, Latex Plus Mattress or pillow, you must have noticed our monogrammed nattily designed bag. It takes the least space, looks nice, and what’s more-It is eco-friendly! Sunday brand is into optimum use of natural resource, amalgamating it with...

The Truth behind Beauty Sleep

  • 03 May 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Read on to know the beauty benefits of blissful sleep and some special night-time tips to look your Best! There is a reason why every princess needs her beauty sleep. And no, it is not restricted to fables. Hitting the bed is the key to that fountain of youth, and...

Sleep Fashionably

  • 24 February 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

While “Dressing up” Is more common once we wake up and get ready to interact with the world, sleeping in comfortable, cool wear can make us feel happier and healthier. High street brands from Marks & Spencer to Forever 21 and the likes all have a dedicated section for sleep...

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We cater to all custom sizes. The process is simple: Please order the next higher standard size. Just reply to the order confirmation email and mention the required dimensions.
  • Max Dimensions: 72 inches (width) and 84 inches (length).
  • 100 Night Trial & 10-year warranty are valid as usual.
  • One additional day for delivery as compared to standard sizes.

Still confused? Call us on 080 4749 4649

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