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How to make the most of Summertime..

  • 29 March 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Summers call for a change in our lifestyle to keep step with nature and enjoy the season with full gusto. Every season comes with its pleasures and brings us different joys. Summers mark a rebirth where nature comes ‘alive’ and delights our spirit.

There are delicious seasonal fruits like various melons and the 'king of all fruits' the mango, to be relished, longer days to be lived, clearer nights with the exciting possibility of a cool breeze breaking the warm spell, lush green roundabouts with sunflowers and laburnums lining the roads with their glorious sight, and oh how can we forget, it is officially the season for icecream! For kids of course, it is holiday time and the happiness is doubled with just the idea of doing whatever they like without being goaded to study anymore.


  • Early to bed, early to rise: Should be the mantra for the hot days as you wake up before temperatures soar and disturbs your sleep.
  • Fresh start with a good Breakfast: Continue to have a wholesome breakfast except with more fruits included, to keep the body hydrated yet leaving you feeling fresh as the day creeps in.

  • Dress cool: Remember to wear lighter fabrics in lighter shades. Consider a change if get sweaty as sweat drenched clothes can make you fall sick, when exposed to air.
  • Tank up: Drink as much water as you can and stay hydrated at all times. You could also drink lime juice with a pinch of salt and sugar to ensure you stay energetic throughout the day. It is best to carry a bottle with you.
  • Eat Healthy: Try not eating from outside as much as possible as chances of food poisoning is higher as food perishes faster in this season, if not kept in proper conditions. Either carry food that will not go bad soon or if have to eat from outside, choose a place where turn over is high. Also, it is best to avoid non vegetarian options when feeling hot, as far as possible. Carry fruits or have coconut water if at all, in between meals.
  • Cut down on tea, coffee, alcohol: Since they are diuritics, keep the intake under check and do not overdo.
  • A hat to prevent heat stroke: Wearing a hat when stepping out is a good idea to prevent a heart stroke, especially if the sun is strong.
  • Sunscreen to save your skin: A sunscreen is a must to prevent skin from burning, pigmentation and even ageing. Not only is UV radiation the most common cause of facial aging, but 90% of skin cancer is caused by exposure to the sun. Any SPF of 15 and more is good enough and must be applied twice a day.
  • Exercise smart: You could go for early morning walks or choose to swim. Ensure not to strain yourselves in an outdoor game when the sun is beating down. It may lead to sheer exhaustion and fatigue, which you don’t want.


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