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How to find the perfect match..to be Sleep Happy!

  • 17 December 2015
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Okay so you’ve decided to buy a mattress and are familiar with all the big brands calling out to you from all the many hoardings. But how do you know which to pick and what criteria to follow.

After all don’t forget, for every night you need something that is health-friendly and practical too. The uber luxe and springy beds in hotels may not be an ideal choice. Like Actress Gul Panag says, “When I spend more than a few days in a hotel I begin to get a neck or back pain as the beds are too soft”.

A bed ideally has to be just right, not too soft or hard. Don’t get influenced by brand names. Brand names are better at times, but that doesn’t mean you should go in for one without considering other factors. A renowned name does not mean quality, though most of the time there is good reason for such a reputation. The important thing is to test one and figure out what feels best for your own body.

Like Shivani Wazir, the dancer, actor and activist, prescribes to a really hard bed, contrary to common belief. “I believe what is natural is the best. Rest is fashion. For me a hard mattress works best and keeps all aches and pains at bay”.

It is not possible to judge the quality of a mattress based on its coil count. Mattresses with interlocking coils have coils that lock together. There will be more number of coils in mattresses with independent coils. For light sleepers they are better, because when your partner shifts or gets out of bed they won’t fluctuate very much. A mattress should allow your spine to curve naturally and keep your shoulder, head, heels and buttocks in position.

Firmness is also an important consideration for your sleeping posture and selecting the best mattress for back pain. For sleeping on your back, choose a firm mattress online not a softer mattress, but avoid very firm mattresses if you sleep on your side. For sleeping on your stomach, a medium firm mattress is likely to be best.

Also, a warranty is something you need to check, and preferably a trial period, so you can test it to your convenience. So what are you thinking? Time to get sleep happy!

How to find the perfect match to be Sleep Happy!


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