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How to Party hard yet get good Sleep

  • 11 November 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

Guess what, there is a balancing act even for partying till you drop and sleeping like a baby. Won’t a comfortable pillow do the trick?  You could achieve that balance by doing just some right things to stay feeling healthy and happy.

Here are some easy ways to get good sleep after a night of partying-

1) Replenish nutrients
It is a good idea to pop a vitamin to restore the nutrients lost while drinking alcohol. Vitamin B is supposed to be a great choice, as while drinking the vitamin supply dips. Other options can be folic acid, magnesium sulfate and thiamine that can help as well. Do not overdose or have too many either.

2) Eat some proteins
Before you start your evening, to help normalize your body’s assimilation of alcohol have a solid meal. A meal with some carbs or fat and proteins will gradually initiate the alcohol to your bloodstream so without overworking your body can process it. A good choice is red meat as it has a high concentration of B vitamins and protein.

3) Hydrate yourself
That last glass of water at bed time is very important as it will help ease the discomfort and hydrate you. Also whenever your eyes open in the middle of the night, do not forget to gulp this most natural fix. In fact you could also try ginger and peppermint tea once home from your frantic partying. Any herbal drink that soothes the stomach is a good idea, to ensure you have a restful sleep.

4) Do some Exercise
If you are not too tired, despite the marathon partying, find time for some gentle exercise every day. Make a schedule and stick to it no matter what. It could even be just a half an hour walk, to get your blood circulation going and make you feel fresher and lighter. Most importantly it will help beat the blues and ensure you don’t overdo anything as you’ll be conscious of health. Most importantly it will help you sleep well.

Party as much as you may, but don’t part with our best selling mattress during a sound sleep.


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