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How to Sleep well before your D Day

  • 11 February 2017
  • By Shveta Bhagat

You really don’t want to look haggard on your big day. While you could have gone in for a special beauty bridal package, nothing is going to hold much meaning unless you pack in the necessary hours of sleep for that ultimate glow. Here are some tips to follow before your Wedding day:

  1. Don’t drink too much alcohol, if possible restrain yourself. One night’s stag party is enough, don’t make it run into days. Make sure it is not too close to the D day and especially no partying the night before. 
  2. De-stress. Avoid any planning or discussing details right before bed time. Have some herbal tea and curb the excitement as you don’t want it to interfere with sleep. Create some ‘me’ time to help your mind and body, relax. And yes stick to a fixed bedtime. 
  3. Make sure you are comfortable in your bed. Uncomfortable bed can rob you of quality sleep– and we know every bride to be needs her beauty sleep. You could even consider putting a good bed on your wedding wish list. 
  4. Stay away from your phone and social media, despite the temptation of being in touch with your partner or sharing thoughts with equally excited friends. Using technology before bed is proven to hinder sleep. Instead read a book, concentrate on relaxing and enjoy your last few nights of freedom. 
  5. If you’re going to be staying in a hotel or an unfamiliar environment, be involved in checking on the conditions you’ll be sleeping in. Don’t forget your ear plugs and eye mask incase needed. You might not be able to entirely eliminate sleep disturbances such as noise and bright lights, but being well-prepared can help you combat them. You could possibly also carry your own pillow and other comfort belongings.

Sleep can be the biggest factor contributing to the brighter ‘you’ on your D-day.  Get in touch with us if you are looking for the best foam mattress in India


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