It is that time of the year when families and friends get together to enjoy the fag end of the year with love, laughter, good cheer and heartfelt gifts. Good sleep being precious to all, especially as it makes or breaks one’s day and defines your quality of life; thinking up of sleep related gifts may be a good idea.
Here are some sleep-related gifting ideas:
At the moment the market is filled with good options from top brands to help you combat different levels of sound and sleep better. Noise pollution indeed is a growing reality and to beat it, brands like Bose, Bang & Olufsen and Sony have been doing continuous upgrade on their noise cancelling earplugs, which are padded and hence comfortable to use even in bed. The Bose noise masking sleep buds fit snugly and have the option to play ten tracks via an app that induce sleep while blocking out any unpleasant sounds. Then there are options like CozyPhones and Lavince that come as headbands in fabric material and are most comfortable to lie down and great for cancelling all external sounds.
From body lotions to essential oils- there are many good options to soothe you to sleep. When it comes to body lotions, there is Bath and Body works Sleep Lavender Cedarwood Aromatherapy Lotion to luxuriate in and dose off. Then amongst essential oils from ayurvedic brands to others, there are a slew of good options. The Kama Ayurveda Lavender essential oil that can either be rubbed on the forehead or added in bath water is known to instantly calm the nerves. Sleep Essential Oil blend by Sleep & Co is another good option and has a very pleasant aroma too; it is scented with lavender, mandarin, patchouli, sage and sandalwood.
Nowadays there are pillows that cradle you to sleep with the make and shape, ensuring neck support and extra comfort. Ensure you get a pillow that doesn’t change shape over the course of the night. The pillow should be made of breathable fabric and medium softness. You could consider Sunday Delight pillow. The USP of the pillow is that it has 0.7 Denier microfiber ensuring that the pillow is soft and fluffy but at the same time prevents the pillow from flattening out. It adjusts according to your sleep position and despite all tossing and turning takes care of your neck, shoulder and spine.
Weighted blankets lend comfort with their extra weight and are quite the rage at the moment with wellness enthusiasts, especially Kourtney Kardashian being a big propagator of it. They don’t shift at night and have extra weight in parts with the deep pressure points making you feel hugged and relieved of all stress and anxiety. Weighted blankets or Gravity blankets like they are also referred to, are known to reduce heart rate, blood pressure and improve mood and promote restful sleep and relaxation. There are many good choices from BlanQuil to Good Knight weighted Blankets to choose from.
So go ahead and gift your loved ones some sleep comfort they will cherish only from the best online bed store.
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