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Earplugs for sleeping: Best earplugs for noise reduction

  • 17 October 2016
  • By Alphonse Reddy

With city living comes the problem of rising decibels, and most of us struggle to get an uninterrupted sleep sans any noise. But the problem can be solved by using earplugs. Here are some earplugs for noise reduction.

Best earplugs for sleeping

  • Foam Earplugs - Available under different brand names, disposable foam ear plugs are soft and comfortable, and come in a variety of colours, sizes and shapes. Foam ear plugs are great for sleeping and concentrating while studying or working. It blurs out the unnecessary sounds and is also used in flight. They are available with or without cord. Cord is firmly attached at both ends of the foam earplugs to ensure they don’t keep falling during sleep.
  • Soft Silicon ear plugs - When you need something to seal off your ear canal or if you are looking for ear plugs with custom fit, then foam earplugs are not for you. Silicone earplugs will be the right choice. Weather you need to block out your partner’s snoring or if you have to sleep when others around are wide awake, this is the best answer for your sound woes.
Wax ear plugs
  • Mouldable wax ear plugs - Wax ear plugs usually are a combination of cotton fibres and wax. The wax ear plugs are held together by cotton fibres, and the cotton also makes the ear plug softer. Nothing can beat the comfort of mouldable cotton and wax ear plugs.They are designed to stick over the ear canal, and they fit almost everyone despite ear shape or size because they are mouldable. When they come into contact with heat, cotton and wax ear plugs become softer, so the more you wear them, in response to your own body heat the more they conform to fit your ears.
  • Custom made ear plugs - There are many stores that do this that are also online, such as earplugstore.com or starkeyindia.com. According to need for soundless sleep custom moulded ear plugs offer full-custom hearing guard. If you are not satisfied with ordinary ear plugs – if they hurt, block too much sound, fall out, or do not block enough noise -- it is time to think about ear plugs that are custom moulded.

Whether you are looking for a sound or soundless sleep, all you need to do is check out our soft mattress online.


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