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Why do some people Sleep Better than others

  • 17 February 2018
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Have you noticed how some of your peers will just fall asleep at the drop of a hat, or moment they lie down, like one of those walkie talkie dolls, making you go green with envy. Well there could be reasons as to why some people sleep better than others.

The genetic make up for one could be responsible. Scientists have found specific genes that determine how long and how well we sleep. As recent as 2014, scientists discovered that there are two strains of DNA that determine how long we sleep. Night owls and early morning larks are most likely a consequence of these gene strains.

Infact according to scientist Dr. Ana C. Krieger, a clinician scientist, and a researcher in the area of Sleep Medicine at NY-based Weill Cornell Medical College, 'if a person whose genetic coding requires them to sleep more and they don’t get the necessary sleep it leads to health hazards and poor immunity as compared to someone who’s wired to sleep less".

There is actually a term for one category of those who need more sleep, “Long Sleepers”. They could need as much as ten to twelve hours of sleep. Long Sleepers have often been identified as mostly introverts. It is said since introverts get tired dealing and interacting with the outside world they possibly need more sleep. The American Sleep Association is of the view that one shouldn’t disrupt the sleep pattern of these individuals as they may get health problems and teach them to live with it and be cooperative towards them. Parents especially of such children should not rebuke them but understand the reason behind why the child is sleeping long hours and support them.

Then ofcourse it is about our programming too. Important to set a sleep routine especially amongst children as they will imbibe it until becomes second nature. Remember good, undisturbed sleep is an absolute essential for success in any sphere. There are sleep programming video and apps now to help you realign your system to sleep on time and without unnecessary thoughts. While as children we are taught to sleep well, in our everyday adult working life we often lose our way and need to reprogram our minds to once again get that dream sleep. We help you buy mattress online as Sleeping well also helps us deal better with challenges of life and sleeping well begins with.



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