Firstly get ready for a healthy lifestyle change and commit yourself to it. Remember you are all set to usher in positivity, good health and better sleep into your life as you decide to reset your clock. Here is how you could achieve your goal of becoming an early bird.
Set a sleep routine
While the proverbial night owls may feel they are more productive at night while early birds might expound the virtues of being the 7am go-getters, there is a lot of evidence supporting the benefits of waking up early. From giving a mental boost to stealing some no distraction time, your brain is supposed to release more positive hormones on waking up early that help see you through the day and night. Sometimes your new job or other obligations demand you to wake up early and it can seem like an uphill task at first but it is only a matter of time before your body clock gets used to sleeping early and waking up early. After setting your alarm every morning for 6:30 am, in a few days your eyes will begin to crave sleep on its own by 10 pm. Being consistent with your sleep time is the best way to ensure you sleep well and your mind does not interfere in your peaceful night. To begin with you could also set a realistic goal like 7 or 7:30 am if you have been a really late sleeper and 6:30 am looks like a tall task to you. You can always set it forward once you adjust your body to waking up at a doable time.
Get Sunlight
Try and get as much sunshine in the morning to help you stay awake. Draw open your curtains, let natural lighting flood your space. The sunshine will lower the melatonin level and signal your body to wake up and seize the day. Exposure to natural light helps in regularizing the patterns of sleep and wakefulness. Avoid a snooze during the day to ensure your body follows your new sleep routine. If you are struggling to sleep well at night or have a circadian rhythm disorder, the best thing to do is get the early morning sunlight which is most beneficial for sleep and daytime functioning.
Prepone evening activities
Try and shift forward any evening activity such as gymming, TV watching or meeting friends. Try not to keep any of these for too close to bed time. It is important to have a wind down routine and that includes not doing anything that revs up your blood flow or exposing your eyes to harmful blue light. If you can’t skip those activities, try and shorten the duration or find alternatives that won’t interfere in dulling your senses to sleep. A major tenet of cognitive behavioural therapy is stimulus control, where you associate your bed with sleep, and not any stimulating activity. So try and restrict your activities to outside the bedroom and make this personal space as calming as possible, with the best online bed store for latex mattress at your side always.
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