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How to sleep well on a Diet

  • 22 August 2018
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Your diet can go a long way in ensuring you sleep well. Remember a good diet and sleep go a long way in building good immunity and health. For all those on special diets, you need to ensure you supplement your bodies well so that you don’t end up struggling with sleep. Remember less sleep will only hamper any progress on your way to losing weight. After all less sleep can trigger hunger pangs and lower metabolism. The hormone Gherlin responsible for our hunger goes on an overdrive when you are sleep deprived while the hormone Leptin that signals us to stop eating lowers considerably. This imbalance only triggers unhealthy habits and creates deficiencies in the body.

We need to discipline our eating habits while including all the macro nutrient groups, such as Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats. Of course we need to have them in balance and as per our body type but they sure play their own part in our overall well being. Of late the ketogenic diet has been a rage though it is devoid of any carbohydrates and propagates a diet made up of proteins and healthy fats. While dietiticans recommend, it is not really unhealthy if done from time to time in obese cases, the common verdict is that we all need some carbohydrates as they contain the sleep inducing chemical tryptophan.

It is imperative that you choose foods with melatonin especially since some diets can reduce your melatonin production while upping your energy. Melatonin is present in nuts, bananas and hummus apart from other natural sources that will not come in the way of your diet regime yet boost energy. Melatonin pills could help you fall asleep faster but not necessarily improve sleep efficiency. Diets like Keto could also put more pressure on your digestive system as proteins take longer to break, hence leading to a restless night. In which case dinner should be had by 7 pm and a bigger helping of the right vegetables such as cabbage or kale and less of proteins should be the ideal fare.

Most diets infact focus on cutting out carbohydrates but remember anything done in a drastic measure has its side effects and are not a long term solution. Instead eating a meal with low carbohydrates, winding up your last meal early, exercising and sticking to routine will normalize your metabolism and help keep unhealthy weight and diseases at bay. You could also have small meals comprising of low carbohydrates through the day to make up for the right intake and have a light, carbohydrate-free early dinner.

Whatever changes you plan to make in your diet make sure you are not deprived of any essential nutrients because you don’t want your diet to backfire. So be smart and look for alternatives such as our most comfortable mattress that help you lose weight the smart way without compromising on sleep or health!


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