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Sleep - Is there a deeper meaning?

  • 09 March 2016
  • By Shveta Bhagat

Sleep is a physiological need that is as natural as say blinking or eating, yet many a time in life you’ll see yourself struggling with it or having varied experiences during the process. It makes us often wonder if there is a deeper purpose to it. Science still considers it a big mystery, as to why were we humans meant to spend one third of our lives in that state. It is understandable as to why we need to rest and recoup, but why do we need to lie in an unconscious state and have strange experiences, has been pondered over by many.

Interestingly, while delving into books on philosophy, and spirituality by distinguished names such as Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme, it comes to attention that it has often been referred to as ‘mini dying’, where they talk about how as the body lies still, it reunites with a higher source. Sleep in fact is supposed to be the ideal state to reach that higher level of being that we often aspire for in day-to-day life. That state of nirvana is also supposed to bring us important messages or give us clarity that can help us in our waking state.

Alice Bailey in her works such as Mystical Circle of Life often speaks of how we die to the physical plane in the hours of sleep, and are active elsewhere. “They forget that they have already achieved facility in leaving the physical body; because they cannot as yet bring back into the physical brain consciousness the recollection of that passing out, and of the subsequent interval of active living, they fail to relate death and deep sleep. Death is, after all, only a longer interval in the life of physical plane functioning; one has only "gone abroad" for a longer period.” The life force streams and current of energy or magnetic thread in sleep is preserved together, and form the pathway of arrival to the body. The coherence is therefore not lost.

While dreams come, they are of different types and sometimes when we don’t completely let go and have a sound sleep, they may surface from our anxiety and restless state. In a sleep state where we reboot to return, we are apparently capable of reaching a plane where our deepest desires can be heard and where if we wish we can seek help at an astral level to manifest positive events in our conscious being and develop our lives. There is a difference between conscious sleeping and astral, as well, as in conscious sleeping you are partially alert and have lucid dreams.

However in our sound state, we may dream of situations/scenarios that if put in perspective are telling us something more than just the abstract, unrelated slides that flash past in our sleep. Also, our ancestors are supposed to sometimes appear if there is a message or warning sign for us, and it could be when we are not thinking of them at all. Most premonitions too are known to strike us in our sleep.

Sleep is a big boost for our health and it is very important in our life. A mattress can impact your sleep, so choose a right mattress that suits your health.

What's in sleeping, you ask? A Lot!


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